Connect Accounts & Wallets
See all of your investments in our dashboard by connecting your accounts and wallets.
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See all of your investments in our dashboard by connecting your accounts and wallets.
Last updated
After signing up you will be prompted to our "Link Assets" page which will allow you to connect all of your investment accounts to AssetDash. You have the option to either "Connect Discord via Matrica" or "Add Wallets Manually", this will take your to our "Wallets" page and you can simply click "add new" in the upper right hand corner to continue. Once connected, we receive read-only access to your holdings. This means we cannot see any personal information about you and cannot interact with your investments. User privacy is our top priority and we welcome anonymous users.
We support every major:
Crypto Wallet
NFTs on Ethereum and Solana with live floor prices
DeFi pools on every major EVM blockchain including Ethereum, Avalanche, Binance Chain, Polygon, and more through Zapper.
401K accounts.
Once connected, prices for all assets will update every few minutes. Holdings for crypto based assets will update hourly. Equity holdings will update daily.
We strive to support the widest variety of exchanges on the market. If we are missing a platform where you hold investments, please send us an email at
Our goal is to ensure we cover all investment platforms for our users.
You can connect an unlimited amount of accounts and wallets to AssetDash.
Equities: To connect an equity account, search your brokerage, select, and login via Plaid.
Crypto Exchanges: To connect a crypto exchange account, search your exchange, select, and login via Vezgo.
Crypto Addresses: To track a specific crypto address, type in the name of the blockchain (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana) and paste your address. You can also paste any "EVM compatible" (Binance Chain, Avalanche, Fantom, Polygon) address into the "Ethereum" section.
Mobile Ethereum Wallets: To add any Ethereum mobile wallet (Metamask, Rainbow), select Wallet Connect and your mobile wallet will automatically open and add the address of the wallet.
After connecting your accounts, select "Complete Registration" at the bottom to head over to your portfolio dashboard. All of your holdings here will populate in under 15 minutes, if this process exceeds 15 minutes or some holdings are missing - please email us at so we can resolve any issues.
In a later section, we will show you how to manually add private equity shares, metals, physical collectibles, real estate, and any other asset you may own to your account.