Portfolio Allocation
Track all your investments in one place.
Last updated
Track all your investments in one place.
Last updated
Portfolio allocation refers to how your investments are distributed across different assets in your portfolio. In AssetDash, portfolio allocation allows you to see what percentage of your total portfolio is invested in different asset classes such as stocks, cryptocurrencies, NFT, or Defi. This helps you understand your investment strategy, the balance of risk and reward, and allows you to make informed decisions about future investments.
Navigate to the Portfolio Page:
From the main dashboard, go to the portfolio page where all your assets are listed.
View Allocation Details:
On the portfolio page, look for the allocation chart. This appear as a pie chart displaying the percentage of your portfolio allocated to each asset class (e.g., stocks, crypto, NFT, etc.).
Click on Asset Categories:
Tap on the individual sections to view detailed breakdowns. For example, clicking on the cryptocurrency section will show the respective assets (Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.) and their value in the portfolio, along with the performance chart for that specific category, allowing you to track the historical performance and trends of each category of assets.